About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The journal aims to share recent research trends, experiences, and research work among scientists, industry, community, and policymakers related to the management of degraded and mining lands.
The scope of the journal includes aspects directed towards the management of degraded and mining lands, covering landscape topography, soil and water quality, biogeochemistry, ecosystem structure and function, and environmental, economic, social, and health impacts of degraded and mining lands. Articles dealing with the result of original research and critical reviews on the above aspects are welcome.
Peer Review Process
All articles are reviewed by an editor or members of the editorial board and qualified reviewers. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return reviewer's comments to authors within 4 to 8 weeks. The editorial board will re-review manuscripts that are accepted pending revision.
Publication Frequency
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management is published in four issues every year, generally in January, April, July, and October.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors should submit only original work that is not plagiarized and has not been published or being considered elsewhere. The editorial team will use iThenticate or other software to check for similarities between the submitted manuscript and existing literature. The maximum acceptable similarity index is 20%.
Publication Charge
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management does not apply Article Submission Charge (ACS) and Article Review Charge (ARC). However, a manuscript submitted after 31 May 2024 will be requested to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 125 USD (formerly 100 USD), for authors from Indonesia if the manuscript is accepted for publication. The length of a complete manuscript should be no more than 12 pages (10-point font, single-spaced, including figures, tables, and references). An additional APC of 20 USD per page will be charged to ready-to-publish articles exceeding 12 pages.
Authors from overseas with an article of no more than 12 pages (10-point font, single-spaced, including figures, tables, and references) are free of charge. However, an additional APC of 20 USD per page will be charged to ready-to-publish articles exceeding 12 pages.
The publication of the journal is sustained by grants from Brawijaya University, which provides human resources, skills, and technology for the sustainable development of the state's agriculture and environment.
Sources of Support
Online production of the journal is facilitated by a grant from the Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University and International Research Centre for the Management of Degraded and Mining Lands (IRC-MEDMIND), a research collaboration between Brawijaya University-Indonesia, Mataram University-Indonesia, Massey University-New Zealand and Chinese Academy of Sciences-China.
Journal History
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management (JDMLM): ISSN:2339-076X (p);2502-2458 (e) is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes scientific articles concerned with aspects directed towards the management of degraded and mining lands covering landscape topography, soil and water quality, biogeochemistry, ecosystem structure and function, and environmental, economic, social and health impacts of degraded and mining lands. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management is managed by the International Research Centre for the Management of Degraded and Mining Lands (IRC-MEDMIND), a research collaboration between Brawijaya University-Indonesia, Mataram University-Indonesia, Massey University-New Zealand and Chinese Academy of Sciences-China in attempting to create opportunities in the management of degraded and mining lands.
Welcome to http://jdmlm.ub.ac.id, the online submission and editorial system of the Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management. This Online Manuscript Submission, Review, Tracking, and Retrieval System uses Open Journal Systems and is supported by Brawijaya University.
To submit an article go to Online submissions. New authors (first time in this journal) intending to submit articles for publication may contact the editor for free registration.